

发布日期:2018-09-21 15:16:15   |      阅读:3313 次   |   评论数: 0条

Revitalizing Chinese Ratings need not only be a slogan. Turning it from slogan to reality requires every stakeholder in the shipping industry to play their part. By organizing the First International Ratings Conference (IRC) on 14 September 2018 at the Hilton Shenzhen ShekouNanhai Hotel China, the Singapore Organisation of Seaman(SOS), Singhai Marine Services, Jiangsu Vocational & Technical Shipping College and Singapore (Nantong) International Maritime Institute (sponsored by the Amalgamated Union of Seafarers Hong Kong) and the Merchant Navy Officers’ Guild – Hong Kong, have come together to take the first step to turn slogan into reality.



The primary theme of the First International Ratings Conference is to discuss the importance of developing ratings, especially Chinese ratings, in support of China’s One Belt One Road initiatives. Close to 200 representatives from the whole spectrum of industry stakeholders including unions,administrators, international shipping companies and Chinese ratings themselves provided significant value-add to and a bonus for this free-of-charge conference to discuss the development of ratings.


As the Chairman of the International Ratings Conference Organizing Committee, our Group MD, Mr. Terence Zhao welcomed all local and international speakers,delegates, guests and ratings participating in the Conference. He expressed his delight and honour to host such animpactful and significant conference.  Mr. Terence Zhao highlighted the under-appreciated importance of ratings for the shipping industry and thence the timeliness and relevance of this conference to address this gap in the shipping industry. The panel discussion format of this conference provided more opportunities for professionals to interact and exchange ideas in developing quality ratings for the international fleets. 


Panel Discussion 1:


主持人:Mr Kam Soo Huat新加坡海员联合会秘书长

嘉宾: Capt Chung Tung Tong 香港商船高级船员协会 秘书长

Mr I Dewa Nyoman Budiasa 印尼海员工会 秘书长 

Mr Jose Raul V Lamug 国际运输工人联盟 新加坡区总监

Au Yeung Kam Lung 香港航业海员合并工会理事长

The conference started with the first panel discussion led by Mr. Kam Soo Huat, the General Secretary of SOS.  With him on the panel were CAPT Chung Tung Tong, General Secretary of MNOG, Mr.Dewa NyomanBudiasa, General Secretary of Indonesia’s Seafarer Union,KesatuanPelautIndonsia (KPI), Mr. Au Yeung Kam Lung, President of Amalgamated Union of Seafarers Hong Kong, and Mr. Jose Raul V Lamug, the Head of Region International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), Singapore office.   The panel stressed the importance of the unions’ roles in working hand-in-hand with the shipping community to develop quality ratings for the shipping industry.  The panel also highlighted that countries in the region should work closer with each other to supplement ratings to meet the requirement of shipping industry thereby addressing the shortage of ratings in the region.  Towards this end, unions should facilitate countries to work more closely.

会议随着第一项专题讨论条不紊地展开。第一项专题讨论由Kam Soo Huat先生,新加坡海员联合会秘书长作为主持人,Chung Tung Tong船长,香港商船高级船员协会秘书长,I Dewa NyomanBudiasa先生,印尼海员工会秘书长,Au Yeung Kam Lung先生香港航业海员合并工会理事长,以及国际运输工人联盟新加坡区总监Jose Raul V Lamug先生共同担任嘉宾。该环节探讨了工会在普通船员培养过程中的重要作用,以及工会应该采取哪些措施使得区域能够互通有无,共同解决区域中普通船员供应不足的问题。

Panel Discussion 2:


主持人:Capt Fared Khan 华林船舶管理有限公司海事总监

嘉宾: Capt Lim Swee Aun新加坡海事雇主联合会 主席

Capt Chan Kok Leong 莱福士船舶管理有限公司总监

Capt Somasundar Nair中英船舶管理有限公司 人事部总监

Francis Chin 森海海事操作总监

The second panel addressed the issue of employability of Chinese Ratings onboard ships with multi-national crew. Providing international perspectiveson this issue, the panel was led Capt Fared Khan, Marine Director of Wallem Shipmanagement. The panelists included Capt Lim SweeAun, Chairman of Singapore Maritime Employers Federation (SMEF), Capt Chan Kok Leong, Director of Raffles Shipmanagement, Capt Somasundar Nair, Director Fleet Personnel Department of Anglo-Eastern Ship Management and Mr. Francis Chin, Operations Director of Singhai Marine Services.  The panel shared the telling statistics of Chinese ratings employed with international shipping companies, exchanged frank opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese ratings as well as offered advice for Chinese ratings to better integrate in the international fleets.

第二项专题研讨由Capt Fared Khan 华林船舶管理有限公司海事总监担任主持人与嘉宾一起探讨了国际航运企业视角下中国普通船员混派的职业前景。新加坡海事雇主联合会主席, Lim SweeAun船长,莱福士船舶管理有限公司总监Chan Kok Leong船长,中英船舶管理有限公司人事部总监Somasundar Nair船长以及森海海事操作总监 Francis Chin先生参与了本次专题研。本环节不仅探讨了中国普通船员外派数量的问题,更重要的是为帮助普通船员融入国际船队提供了卓有实效的方法与策略。

Panel Discussion 3:



嘉宾:李其斌先生,大连国际经济技术合作有限公司 总经理

吕世东先生,北京华洋海事 船员事业部副总经理

易焱船长,化兴船员管理有限公司 总经理助理

罗成船长, 上海森海海事服务有限公司 招募总监

The third panel comprised of group of reputable marine professionals in the Chinese shipping industry led by Capt Glory Gu, Managing Director of Dalian Gold Fleet Ship Co.Ltd. The panelist included Mr. Li Qi Bin- General Manager of INMATESECO, Mr. Lv Shi Dong – Deputy General Manager of Beijing Huayang Maritime, Capt. Jack Yi -Assistant General Manager of Huaxing Crew Management and Capt Luo Cheng –Recruitment Director of Singhai Marine Services (Shanghai).  The panel shared the reasons why China has yet to be the largest ratings supplying country to international shipping industry and discussed challenges faced in attracting and recruiting more ratings to join the seafaring career. The panel also offered some innovative and concrete measures that the Chinese shipping industry should implement to attract more Chinese ratings to join the industry and how Chinese ratings can supplement seafarers from other countries despite the current difficulty of cultural integration.  Beyond boosting the number  of Chinese ratings in the industry and international shipping companies, the panel also urged the shipping industry to work together to prevent declining number of seafarers, a situation that have already plagued many developed countries.


Panel Discussion 4:


主持人:施祝斌先生,江苏航运职业技术学院 副院长 / 中新(南通)国际海事培训中心 董事长 

嘉宾:程纲先生, 华林(青岛)培训中心 主任

李斌先生,江苏航运职业技术学院 继续教育学院院长 

Capt Min Min Tun 缅甸卓越之星海事培训中心 校长

Ms Kitty Chan 香港商船高级船员协会 行政助理

The last panel focused on maritime education and how the training community could make the Chines ratings reach international standards. The panel was led by Mr.Shi Zhu Bin – Deputy Principle of Jiangsu Vocational & Technical Shipping College / Chairman of Singapore (Nantong) International Maritime Institute and his a team of maritime education and training experts such as Capt Cheng Gang-Head of Training of Wallem Maritime Training Centre Qingdao, Mr. Li Bin – Dean of Continuing Education of Jiangsu Vocational & Technical Shipping College,Capt. Min Min Tun - Principal of Myanmar Excellent Stars Maritime Training Centre and Ms Kitty Chan- Assistant Administrator, of Merchant Navy Officers’Guild – Hong Kong (MNOG).  The panel shared their respective organisations’ approaches to providing quality maritime education and training in China and Myanmar. Ehile the approaches were different, the objective was the same, i.e., to help ratings overcome their two fundamental obstacles and concerns, i.e. culture adaptability and English proficiency, thereby enhancing their confidence to work on board international ships in a mixed crew environment.  The panel also highlighted that MNOG provides the Hong Kong Maritime Scholarship Fund to subsidize training of seafarers for shipping companies, an incentive offered by other unions as well.  

最后一个环节关于船东定制普通船员培训由江苏航运职业技术学院副院长、中新(南通)国际海事培训中心董事长施祝斌先生担任主持人,他带领华林(青岛)培训中心程纲主任,江苏航运职业技术学院继续教育学院李斌院长,缅甸卓越之星海事培训中心MinMinTun校长以及香港商船高级船员协会行政助理Kitty Chan女士重点讨论了缅甸和中国在普通船员教育和培训方面,尤其是帮助中国普通船员克服语言和文化阻碍的途径和方法。同时也向大家介绍了香港商船高级船员协会所提供的海事教育基金的重要作用。

One of the highlights of the conference were the ratings representative presentation.  Serving with Ocean Tankers,Oiler Luo Ming Kun’s confident and impressive presentation in fluent English on his experience of working international shipping company has definitely helped dispelled the perception held by international shipping companies that Chinese ratings lack English proficiency, proved that with continuous training and education,Chinese ratings can be trained to be on par with the best in the industry and provided encouragement for Chinese ratings. The other highlight of the conference was having representative from Shenzhen MSA to assist in answering some of the questions raised by the conference participants. 

会议期间,由森海外派至船东Ocean Tankers的机工骆明坤作为普通船员代表上台发言,他一开口,流利的英语惊艳了全场,他全程用英语分享了他作为外派海员的心路历程,和在场的普通船员们分享了他学习英语的经验,博得了在场所有人的阵阵掌声。这样的普通船员作为代表已经登上了国际舞台,代表着新一代普通船员的新风貌。森海为培养了这样的船员感到骄傲。本次会议的另一大亮点是深圳海事局的介绍及问答环节,本环节为我们的普通船员解答了困惑与疑问。

In the closing remark, the host of the International Ratings Conference, Mr. Terence Zhao re-emphasized that now is a very appropriate time to discuss the challenges in developing ratingsin the shipping community, especially Chinese ratings. Mr. Terence Zhao expressed his sincere appreciation to all administrators, unions, shipping companies, maritime organizations, training institutions and ratings serving with various shipping companies participating in this conference. He hoped the conference will serve as a precursor for more dedicated study and work the immediate future to improve the development prospects of ratings,especially Chinese ratings, and provide innovative recommendations to address the challenges. Mr. Terence Zhao also hoped that with the success of the first International Rating Conference, the momentum will be sustained and it will not be the last conference for ratings.

