

发布日期:2017-08-07 16:31:54   |      阅读:2448 次   |   评论数: 0条

11 July 2017,Shanghai, China. The Fourth Senior Officer Management Conference starts off in the passionate warmth of the seasons. In their cool causal polo-t shirts, forty one Top 4 Officers from 16 companies gathered in Singhai Marine Services (Shanghai) office for the next three days to confer on  four main topics of interests, and namely, on Safety, Leadership, Wealth and Health topics.  It promises to be an informative event that is filled with a wide range of professional speakers sharing their outlooks, and most importantly for the participants to reflect and improve their competencies.




The event kicked off with a safety moment by Mr Lim PohWhee, Executive Director of Singhai Marine; and for those who are not inducted in the safety moment, it can be explained as important safety brief to implant the safety message in our sub conscious mind.


森海一贯以来都秉持安全第一的理念,由森海执行董事Lim Poh Whee先生进行的安全宣讲拉开了会议的序幕。



Mr. Terence Zhao Wei,  Managing Director of Singhai Marine Services welcomed all the participants and said that this is the fourth conference in the series and all past conferences were highly rated in terms of conference contents and interactions. Our conferences are unique as compared to the conventional ones in that senior officers from different companies gathered to share their best practices. As one cannot own all the knowledge in shipping, diversity of views and acceptance of management best practices are the way forward in the modern shipping paradigm. Mr. Zhao urged all participants to examine the four themes diametrically so that the best practices can be applied onboard and even at home. Safety is something that we must never take lightly, and even at rest. Leadership and Management Skills must be continually be honed to make us not as good but great leaders of dynamic and performing teams onboard.  Wealth management tips are introduced to make us more financially savvy in dealing with finance matters.Health management control is an important matter not only onboard ship but even can be of great use anytime anywhere.









The first Speaker was by Capt Michael Qiu, Vice President from Hilong Marine Engineering.He presented on Hilong Marine’s practices on Risk and Safety management.  He gave a great insight on how they were closely complied, implemented and monitored. That resulted in an excellent safety record and had impressed many participants. A great exchange of questions and answers session followed and all were very thankful for the deep learning session. 





Mr Johnny Sim, Marketing Director, Singhai Marine Services presented on the perception of positive working values and professional ethics. Whilst many are brought up with good family values and work ethics, he shared some shipboard case studies on these perceptions and asked for the participants’ viewpoints. He summed up the session by stating the positive attributes that ship owners are searching for in their senior officers.


      森海海事市场总监Johnny 先生就职业道德和修养进行了别开生面的演讲。我们的船员兄弟大都来自于拥有良好修养的家庭,Johnny先生分享了船上的一些相关案列,并组织大家进行了讨论。最后,Johnny先生用他丰富的经验总结了船东所期待的船员应具备的素质,为大家提供了很大的帮助。



Our next speaker was specially invited from Myanmar. CaptPaingSoe Aung, Founder of Myanmar Excellent Stars, gave a highly interactive presentation on safety culture and how it can be operationalized for use onboard. Safety onboard must be equated to care for your fellow shipmates.  Once you care and cherish the safety of your shipmates, you tend to have the safety consciousness implanted. Surely no one would like to see their loved ones get hurt!


接下来是我们远道而来的客人-缅甸杰出之星的创建者PaingSoe Aung船长。就船上的安全与实践,船长与大家进行了亲切的交流。船上安全等同于对船员的关注,只有以船员的安全为出发点,才能更好的践行安全理念,保证船员安全。



Mr Yong Chee Fah, Operations Director, Singhai Marine Services, gave an interesting presentation on the safety measures, and in particular the handling of different types of cargo onboard the various classes of vessels. Many were made more aware about the inherent dangers when we work onboard.


森海海事运营总监Yong Chee Fah先生关于安全实践,尤其是多种货物,多种船舶的安全操纵进行了生动细致的讲解。大家也因此更加了解了各种货物相关的安全操作实践。



CaptPhen Sim Lim, Marine Superintendent, Crew Training of Ocean Tankers had the participants held in standing attention when he presented the real life case studies of accidents in the Singapore Straits.  Many were unbelievable to note the improper actions of the watch keepers in events leading to the accidents. A list of “should have been done” actions were presented to prevent future accidents.  All thanks to CaptPhen for the great sharing and the frank answers given. Our participants have learned well from these episodes.


来自OCTK的海务主管Phen Sim Lim船长为大家讲解了发生在新加坡海峡的众多案列。许多诱发事故的不良操作让大家大跌眼镜。最后的预防措施和建议,为大家今后的工作提供了很好的说明和指导。



Even as it was towards the end of the day and despite the hot weather, all never feel any fatigue when the next speaker took the stage.



Capt Jack Yi, Assistant General Manager of Shanghai Huaxing Crew Management (SINOCHEM) connected well with all the participants.  He spoke on the ways to keep Chinese seafarers competitive and treasured by the owners. Although many seafarers have their “pluses and minuses” when working onboard, Chinese seafarers are indeed resilient, honest and hardworking.Being more aware of what the company’s objectives and goals are will make the seafarers more appreciated and treasured.  At the end of the day, two way communications is the key to success. Thanks to Capt Yi for the very interesting presentation.





The following two days programs are of great interest as we have engaged one of China’s most wanted management Guru, MrMengZhiQiang to share expert tips on leadership and management.



Also in the list are the experts from wealth management from Credit Ease and Zheshang Securities to talk on how to make the best out of our hard earned wages. Last but not least, the important lesson on seafarers’ health and the benefits of the traditional Chinese Medicines by China renowned TCM Professor Li Zheng Yu.


We also have the open dialogue with the seafarers on all matters and the sharing



All the best and have a great time! 


